Family Service Toronto
The Passport Program is a Ministry of Community and Social Services program that provides direct funding for adults with developmental disabilities and their caregivers to purchase community participation supports, respite, person-directed planning and support for the activities of daily living. In Toronto, Family Service Toronto (FST) administers Passport. Recently the Passport program in Toronto received notification that approximately 100 to 150 new clients will be funded this fiscal year. FST wished to better understand what clients would like to purchase with their Passport funding and to share that information with service agencies currently providing fee-for-service options and/or arrangements with Passport clients.
CAP Consulting is currently working with FST to evaluate the needs and wishes of their clients and caregivers. We are surveying clients and caregivers to determine how they have been using their Passport funding to date, what changes they would like to see, and what gaps currently exist. We will also be conducting focus groups with caregivers to solicit further information about these issues. CAP Consulting worked closely with staff to develop the evaluation design, surveys, and interview guides. The final report will be completed in April 2016.